
My name is Vesna. I am a wife, mother and entrepreneur. I have been married for 13 years (wow where does the time go, lol). I am a mother of 2 adorable little boys, currently 6 and 7 years old. I have always been a very private person. 

After several years in the corporate world, I wanted to create a platform where I’m able to express my thoughts, my personal experiences with everyday products and solutions that many mothers and parents are faced with everyday. I have been a member of many Mommy groups and parental forums where we are all trying to figure out what is best from simple products to everyday necessities to ideas and solutions to make our lives and that of our families better.

Here, I will post my recommendations and opinions on all sorts of everyday items that I find interesting and items that I have personal experience with, or that my kids love or have had great joy with. 

My goal is to make your life simpler, better and give you the free time to spend time on experiences rather than searching endlessly for your everyday needs.

Life Is Short – Enjoy It!!!

I wanted to be clear and honest with my visitors of my website/blog. Any products and links that you may see, you are welcome to click on and this will have no affect on you. I believe in transparency so I am fully disclosing that I will earn an affiliate commission on any purchases you make. I am doing this on a full-time basis, and I will continue to provide updated content and links to products. 

Even though I receive compensation for our posts or advertisements, I will always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. Any views and opinions expressed through other forms of social media are purely our own.